July 30, 2018 Finding "Cheez-it"

Hi all--

I know I at least have Jordan's attention with that subject line but I'll explain in a minute. First things first: I am having real technical difficulties with my letters, so if you've written and haven't heard back know that I likely wrote you but it got lost somehow. Working on straightening that out! If your inbox gets suddenly flooded with emails from me, you'll know why! 

Today the Redlands Mission has been blessed with Hna Stanfield for nine months. She is officially half-way through her mission, and I'm grateful to be her greenie. We celebrated with pancakes (apparently I am a black-belt at pancakes because we somehow managed to flip one in the shape of a nine that was full of peanut butter cups..who says missionaries aren't creative). We were also serenaded in Spanish (we think) by a slightly-tipsy fellow at the 7-eleven and we're headed to do a session at the Redlands temple, so it is turning out to be a pretty amazing day. 

Our miracle for the week is clear. We are teaching two new people, Mike and Adela. Mike is in his twenties and loves all things science, and plans to study reptile biology. He deeply wants to know if God is there, and has a purpose for him. He sure does Mike! The only way to describe Adela is sparkly. The minute I heard her name I knew I was going to love her, for obvious reasons. She is a referral from Angel's stepmom Cristhell. We got a text from her in the middle of the week which basically read, "I made an appt for you with my friend on Wednesday at six. Don't be late ok?" Best message we have ever received. Adela radiated so much light. It's amazing how strongly the Light of Christ is present in so many of those we teach. When we asked Adela about her relationship with Christ, she could not have been more excited. "I love my new life. It isn't what I expected...my marriage of 30 years is ending and it's not what I wanted or planned. But through that, I found Him anf it brought us closer than anything else. It doesn't matter I didn't have Him in my life before, I do now!" She is one of the rare few who talks slowly enough I can pick up on nearly everything she says. The only struggle I had was that when she would say, "Jesus" in English-- combined with my poor hearing-- it sounded just exactly like the word, "Cheez-it." For a good 5 minutes I was absolutely lost as to what any of it had to do with crackers! 

After we explained the Book of Mormon, and that it contains the record of Christ's ministry in the Americas, Adela hugged it to her chest and whispered, "thank you, thank you!" Over and over. 

The Book of Mormon is a miracle! I never fully realized before my mission how different my life would be without it. I never, ever want to take it for granted again. So many don't have it, and how grateful I am for the opportunity I have to share it. We all have that opportunity, don't miss it! 

When I was younger I had an inexplicable problem with calling people Andy when I struggled with their first names (thanks for bearing with me all those years Aunt Georgia) and apparently it hasn't quite left me. I somehow get convinced that every man we meet is named Miguel and we have yet to actually teach one...

Love our people here in Fontana. They all have their own challenges, as we all do, but each has so much faith. Grateful for them and for all of you! :) 

Hermana Hawkes 

Great Quotes: 
"Did you really just tell me that this dog looks like a chicken nugget??" --Hna Stanfield (I'm telling you guys it did) 

Me: "How have you put up with me this long?" 
Hna S: "Probably divine intervention."

"The Spirit inspires, it never discourages." --President Dixon
"I like to go to sleep because it means that I'm one day closer to my baptism." --Angel 
"Don't steal is a commandment Sister Hawkes. What did you just tell me?" --Angel
"I put my tag on, and I'm not just me. I'm a messenger with a mission." --Sister Dixon 

"Where is thy pavilion?" --Elder Eyring (I spelled that wrong) 
Bill Carpender Conversion Story (great listen, changed my whole perspective on mission calls and God's plan for each individual) 
"His Grace is Sufficient"--Brad Wilcox (Grace, Plan of Salvation) 
"Thou Shalt be Nice" --Hank Smith (anyone in Jr High or High School, this one is for you!) 


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