June 2, 2018 If you Miss the Joy, You've Missed it

Hi all!

My theme this week is an Elder Holland quote; "If you miss the joy, you've missed it." I've decided I don't want to miss a second.

This week was a whirlwind. About week 3, the MTC really starts to fly. At first the stretch on forever, but by now I'm left wondering how I can possibly learn enough Spanish during my final week. The truth is, I can't, but I'm grateful for the little bit I've been able to learn while I'm here. They encourage us to speak more Spanish than English now, which ends up as constant Spanglish, but the newest missionaries think it's very impressive. My zone members continue to think I'm Latina, so I get constant questions on language. Luckily everyone quickly realizes I have no idea what I'm doing either! 

I know I talk about the language so much, but it's an opportunity I'm so grateful for. To be able to have a conversation, albeit a slightly clunky one, with someone I wouldn't have been able to before, is so special. On the days it gets hard, I just remind myself of a Tahitian elder I met in the store this week. He read my tag and started speaking to me in Spanish, then switched into English. Being from Tahiti, he speaks both French and Tahitian already, and is learning Mandarin Chinese to serve in New Zealand. Holy cow, so much respect! 

We finished TRC, or lessons with our investigator, this week. Veronica is the tiniest little Ecuadorian woman with the softest voice and a heart of gold. She was endlessly patient with us, and so comfortable with the lessons I figure she's likely already a member. Occasionally, she'd pipe up with a question that'd really throw us such as "Who were the Gentiles?", but would then smile sweetly through our entire sloppy explanation. I knew I'd like her from the first moment. We explained how new we are at Spanish, and she immediately jumped in with, "That's alright. I'm learning English!" She also proudly told us she finally feels brave enough to learn to ride a bike. "I just want to so badly! It's just so hard to balance!!" We all had a good laugh. Her favorite lesson was the Plan of Salvation, which has quickly become my favorite as well. I had bought little illustrations by Annie Henrie Nadar, and Veronica just loved discussing that families can be together forever. So do I! I don't know if I fully appreciated the idea of "forever" before the mission. To me, it was just a reality, whereas now it's a miracle. 

On that note, so grateful for my family this week. While I couldn't be there, my heart was definitely in Fiji on Tuesday. No one I'd rather spend eternity with than my six favorite people! 

At the end of our last lesson Friday, Veronica told us she had a Book of Mormon question she couldn't remember, but would discuss with us next time. We realized she, unlike us, didn't know it was our final lesson. We struggled to explain that we were leaving in a week, I for California and Hermana Hall for Texas. "Oh," she finally said, "you have other people to teach." Suddenly, all three of us were in tears. Veronica expressed gratitude and love for us, and we for her. Incoming missionaries, TRC is the best. How incredible that even though some moments we can barely talk, we've formed such a deep friendship. 

One of the MTC Presidency, President Young, gave a recent Tuesday devotional I can't get out of my head. He talked about how sometimes we fail to recognize how infinite our Savior is. When we recognize his power, it only makes his condescension more incredible. It also made me think. Sometimes it's hard to believe that I've got what it takes to learn and do all of this. Am I really ready to share the gospel this way? To question that, in a sense, is silly. It's not a question of whether I'm ready or adequate for this great big job; of course I'm not. I just need to remember that the same being who created the entire universe is the same being who promised to make up the difference (or as Brad Wilcox says, "all the difference"). The one who created the planets and starts created us too, with infinite potential, and somehow we still forget. I'm trying to remember this. He has more than enough grace to cover us and our imperfections, and boy am I grateful. 

I continue to discover the difference between similar Spanish words...by using the wrong one. This week I offered Hermana Johnson "some sins" instead of some Goldfish crackers. Poor Elder Burrell continues to confuse the word for better/best and woman, which makes for some awkward moments, and Hermana Hall struggles with the difference between huesos (bones), huevos (eggs), and Jueves (Thursday). Luckily we all have senses of humor! 

Love you all, 

Hermana Hawkes

Great Quotes:
"Que es Ingles?" --Elder Erickson
"Que en tarnacion??"--Hermana Harrison
"Don't worry Hermana Walker, we will pray for these breakfast bars to taste like raspberry." --Me (They still tasted like blueberry. Guess prayer doesn't work that way) 
"The horse's name was Fred...that makes no sense!" --Hermana Hall 

Sorry for no pictures! Google drive...is the worst.  


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