July 22, 2019 The Lambs

Dear friends and family--

Probably my favorite moment this week was when "Tyson" (actually named Armando), who was wearing a ratty grey tank-top, went into the house to get Francisca and came out 30 seconds later in a collared shirt and a fancy hat. He acted like nothing happened but we knew! 

Sad news this week; Esteban headed off to Bakersfield to work for the summer. He didn't warn us beforehand, he's like that, but I think he was sad to go. "Don't worry," he promised us, "I'll come back with an even bigger testimony." I know he will. The man can't stop reading the Book of Mormon. Before he left though he taught us how to count to ten and say "flower" in Tarasco. Hna Staker was over the moon. 

Really the best moment, though, was when Jose, who we hadn't been able to contact all week, marched into church in a white shirt. He couldn't stop beaming. No reminder, he just came. Turns out his phone got wet...he says just sat around waiting for us to show up! 

I don't want to write a really big one this week, but a talk my dad sent to me called "Summer of the Lambs" has really sunk in with me. It's easy, in our lives, to start to compartmentalize. We have school, and work, and church--and sometimes we even do it within church things: we have family history, and temple work, and Sunday school--but really it's all just one work. We are all engaged in the work of salvation. 

In the talk, Jane B. Malan talks about her summer job feeding a flock of orphaned lambs. She talks about how overwhelming and difficult it was, as each one had to be carefully and constantly watched, and even bottle-fed. There were so many they were constantly lost, and finally in tears Jane asked her father, "Isn't there anyone that can help us feed our lambs?" 

We talk all the time about how Jesus Christ is intimately involved in each of our lives, how He watches over and cares for us individually. He, as the good shepherd, is always conscious of his flock. What I don't think I realized, though, is how much He needs us--that maybe He asks the Father the same thing, "Please, isn't there anyone who can help me feed my lambs?"  He can't physically minister to each of us, that we have to do for each other. That's what ministering is, right? Ministering is being the Lord's hands. 

I don't mean to soapbox, just sharing thoughts. I've just felt such a need to do more. I think almost everyone is a little lost in this life, and we've promised to take care of each other. 

I love you all a lot! 
--Hermana Hawkes 

Great Quotes: 
"La hermana Eh-Sticker!" --the ward about Hermana Staker
"If you came from a monkey you couldn't be that handsome." --Hna Lopez 


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