August 19, 2019 The Spirit can carry the Rest

Hello all! 

In Thermal ward, you never know if in Sunday school you'll get "Come, Follow Me" or Hermano Velarde fiercely teaching all the commandments he thinks everyone else probably isn't keeping fully. We read Paul's line about becoming "co-heirs" with Christ and he ended up teaching us tithing, the word of wisdom, and celestial marriage. We all came out with the tips of our ears a little singed! Poor little Jose asked me after if "people will still wave at him at church since he's not married." Oh, boy. I think Paul is milder than Hno Velarde...We'll be reteaching that one don't worry! 

This week wasn't too eventful, lots of meetings and lots of caring for the people we're already teaching. We're teaching quite a few right now...the Lord definitely has been plans for our area and our ward. We just have to keep up! 

We had some funny tracting moments this week. In one, a Jehovah's witness heard us out, and then somehow mysteriously we ended up with HER pamphlet about getting off devices and spending time with family. Man she was good! I definitely read and prayed about it, because that is exactly what I ask people to do every day! 

In another, a cute little abuelita stuck her head out of the door and went off about all of her grandkids. Stopping in the middle, she suddenly said, "You know, everyone else who knocks comes by early and you came by late. I think God must have sent you! Come in!" Turns out her son recently had surgery, and she asked us to give us a blessing, so 30 seconds after meeting her we found ourselves teaching some form of the restoration of the priesthood. We offered to pray for him, and she just shrugged. "Yeah, bless him, put your hands on him, say a chant, whatever you want!" Poor Victor, who didn't say a word, just shrugged too. He just wanted blessing I think! We said a prayer with them and then explained a little bit about what we do as missionaries. Her response was, "Yep, I like all of those words. Come back!" We'll let you know how it goes! 

One of the sweetest moments was sharing a scripture on the resurrection with Hna Gutierrez and her daughter. They've both lost loved ones, and we all felt the beauty of that future promise I think. The best moment was when Hna Staker, who is very frequently very nervous to add her 2 cents, bore her testimony. She wasn't thinking about her Spanish or "sounding good," she just meant it and it brought the spirit so strong. I think we all need to remember that. We may not say the perfect thing, but if we mean it the spirit can carry the rest. 

Love you all so much, have the best week! 
Hermana Hawkes 

Great Quotes: 
"He's basically just the reincarnated Latino Joseph Smith." 
"Did you just call Jesus a "muchacho?" --Hna Staker
"If Shark-a-nado actually happens, we all know it's because Sister Bastian prayed a little too well." --Hna Staker


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