May 20, 2019 The Old Soldier

I keep telling Hna Alvarado that the reason Spanish is difficult is because a "pedacito" is a little piece, a "paracito" is a little parasite, and a "payacito" is a clown. Not to mention that a "pancita" is a little tummy and a "pancito" is a little loaf of bread. We're not even going to talk about papita and a papito, other than you can pretty easily be talking about little popes or little potatoes and not realize it. 

Wow! I haven't had a lot of time to write, but a whole lot has happened. Best of all, Esteban got baptized. He's so awesome. Although he's not one to talk much, he just has this little grin on his face all the time now. He asked Elder Hawks to baptize him (yes, yes we are 17th cousins!) who was a little worried about getting Esteban (this tan, tall, older Mexican soldier) all the way under. Hna Alvarado told him to just "sweep the legs" which Esteban thought was the funniest thing ever. We'll just say he was baptized, and baptized thoroughly! I think he went a foot under! He came up a little waterlogged, but he only had to do it once.

In other news, Jose has been faithfully coming to church, and bringing his two cute boys. He's reading the book of Mormon faithfully too, although it's hard for him to understand at times. He's praying about it all, but doesn't feel like he's gotten an answer yet. Pray for him! 

We're also teaching the spunky little Socorro, who looks a little like Carrie Fisher and is obsessed with "colibri" (hummingbirds) and ancient aztec history, so we get along swimmingly. She went off the other day about how much she loves Abba and even sang a little for us. Love her. 

We drove down to Mecca, which sits in the middle of our area. Worth the pilgrimage...not sure, but we did see the International Banana Museum from a distance! 

Hna Alvarado got pretty sick this week, so we were in a whole bunch, but luckily she's on the mend now. 

Love you all so much, have the best week ever! 
Hermana Hawkes 

"Se enoja la Chuey!!" --Hna Alvarado
(Note: she has a least 7 different voices: Indian businessman, one that sounds like a Ferby, one that's sort of a "Strawberry Shortcake," and one that can only be described as "PBS Kids talk show host." Will try to document)
"Don't hug German Shepherds." --Elder Hawks 
"Little Seesters!" --Eduardo

Note from Jesus:
 Jesus Espiricueta <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 5:12:24 PM
To: Becky Hawkes
Subject: Re: The Old Soldier
Again thank u so for ALL of the updates! I am super grateful, I didnt get one last week and I was literally really worried I thought "maybe Hermana Hawkes had stop writing home or she's sick or something happened! But she just missed a week cas she's so busy. I can't say thank u enough. Reading Hna Hawkes emails truly is the highlight of my day.  I can literally hear her voice as I read her awesome adventures and all the beautiful miracles she's a part of. She is one in a billion, not to say that theres 7 Sarah Hawkes walking around in the world! That's just my way of saying tht she's one amazing person and an even more amazing Missionary. She is so devoted, loving, caring, nurturing, dedicated  I'm sure she is like a mom to everyone she meets. She sincerely has the biggest heart ever. Tht is why she is "Yolohuitzi" the one with the heart of a hummingbird. I remembered the first day I met her she was so scared and looked very confused. I spoke to her in Spanish and she was puzzled.. then I asked her "U don't know Spanish?" And she said no, then I asked "then why are u serving in a Spanish ward?" This was before I was baptized, before I even knew of miracles and the talents heavenly father gives us. Before I knew of the gift of toughs. Well Hna Hawkes answered me in a very sad and timid voice.. " well.. I think heavenly father wants me to teach the gospel in Spanish. " and she walked away. As the weeks progressed I seen how much Hna Hawkes wanted to learn and teach. I remember tht at about 6 weeks I would hear her speaking perfect  SPANISH!  I told her "hey! ur speaking Spanish! "  and she said "no I'm not" In Spanish!. Hna Hawkes once told us tht she was boring and had no talent and to my surprise she was a gold mine of talents, "Spanish" being one of them!  In Some of her Emails she writes tht she is very imperfect and is always making mistakes. Tht just shows how Humble and perfectly unique she is... she is sweetest person in the world and she's making a difference in so many ppls lives. There is no doubt in my mind she was ment to serve here. Heavenly father truly blessed us by bringing her here. And thank u for making her such and amazing person. I know it must be hard and im sure it's still difficult to have her gone this long, on this grand journey. I know heavenly father rejoices and cares immensely for Hna Hawkes.. She is truly bringing the people of Israel to Him.. I know He is absolutely proud of her and loves her enormously and I know tht u do too.. I wish u a beautiful day and Thank u once again.


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