October 29, 2018 The Real Don Quixote

Hey all! 

Hardly any time to write this week as we spent most of our day at an overpriced museum looking at all kinds of aircraft. They were amazing, and there were so many darling little veterans just dying to tell us all about them, but most of the displays were more about "who donated what" than who flew and why. There were also way too many little buttons...I don't think I'd be pilot material! 

This week we had so many great little moments. I'm still meeting everyone, but I already have some favorites. One is Guillermo, a man with 72 years and a huge smile (dentures?). He reminds me of the hero in one of my favorite movies-- an old knight named Don Quixote who's earnest and kind and always a little lost in his thoughts. We were sitting crammed on his tiny porch (it was all Hna Jensen could do not to fall off her end of the chairs), about to teach the Plan of Salvation, when he whipped out a pamphlet about the Doctrine of Christ and asked, "It says here baptism is the gate...so I need to be baptised then don't I?" We all three sat there kind of stunned. His response to our invitation to be baptised was clear and simple, "Claro!" Guillermo is amazing. He's been really under the weather, so keep him in your prayers. 

We had such a little miracle with a woman we're teaching named Nikki. Nikki has been going through a lot; she lost her best friend recently, and is having a lot of struggles in her marriage as well. The message of the gospel has brought her so much hope already, and she has one of the most sincere and simple faiths I've ever seen. Our lessons fell through late on Wednesday night, so we were working on Areabook records and feeling kind of bummed. Nikki sent us a little message asking if we could come over, and we were thrilled. Turns out it had been a difficult day, and Nikki was shattered. We all sat on her bed, Nikki in her jammies with a tearstained face...it was one of those moments where you're just praying with everything in you that the Lord will give you the words to say. I find often he waits just long enough for me to know that nothing I come up with is really from me. We talked about Peter walking on the water, and what it means that the Savior so perfectly understands. It was so amazing how the atmosphere in the room changed to one of calm and peace so quickly. Talking about the Savior tends to do that doesn't it? Nikki is so sweet that she has completely given up drinking and coffee so as to be baptised as soon as possible. She was even worried about chocolate and lipstick, "Those are definitely addictions of mine too!" She so earnestly wants to turn to the Lord. She then shared how she has been recognizing the guiding influence of the Spirit since she quit; "It's hard to explain. It's just a little something inside me helping me know where to turn. It's hard to explain, but I know everything will be alright if I just have faith in Him." When we shared the Book of Mormon with her, her eyes sparkled. We could hardly get out of there. "This is MORE scripture? Where did they find it? You need to tell me right now!" Lessons like that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Hope you all have the best week! 
Hna Hawkes 

This is for Mom too, i just tend to mess up her email!

I'm still trying to gain confidence back after last transfer, but it's been kind of hard! I talked about the people too much with Hna Watkins, but if I'm not thinking about them I'm thinking about me, and that never ends up well. It's when we turn inward that we get discouraged!  I'll be just fine, but I've been just bewildered as to why I can't quite seem to get comfortable with my new companions. It's awfully funny that people are both my very favorite thing and my kryptonite.

I know the cure, it's gratitude and chocolate, so that's what I'm focusing on. I love my mission, wouldn't trade it for a minute, and I know the moments of distance end. I've studied a lot on why moments of disconnection with God happen, and the truth it there's a lot and usually they are from within ourselves. I just trust it won't last if I continue in faith. 

Hna Ciarlante and Jensen are so sweet, but I suddenly find myself with as good of Spanish as any of us, which is worrisome! It's not all bad, it does cause us to rely on the Lord, but language is so important and it does get in the way. So many missionaries are ok with just getting by, but I really want to excel. I have been so blessed already, everything I've gained is definitely from the Lord every bit, and I know I trust in the promise that I can learn this language. The Spanish is definitely becoming easier, and I credit all of your prayers!! I'm so grateful I get to learn Spanish at all. A whole world and a whole group of people have opened up, nd I can't believe I didn't know. 

I love you all so much, and I can't even thank you all enough for allowing me to be here. This is absolutely impossible without you, and it's the greatest gift. I can't imagine...I've learned so much. Love you!  

Grumpy Mary


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