June 3, 2019 Little Notes

Hi all! 

So many little stories this week I'll just have to pick a few. Every day gets a bit hotter and the way the locals talk about it it makes you feel like you're preparing for battle-- "This is your first summer in the desert?" *nods knowingly.* "I just hope you're ready. It will be hot. It will stay hot. You had better stay in the house." I think not! We have work to do! We're lucky to have a car, I feel so bad for anyone on bike. 

We did a little Family Home Evening with a bunch of recent converts, and I thought "Don't Eat Pete" would be a good game because we were going to have two really little kids there. Basically you try to eat all the candies on the board before everyone yells to stop. My spanish version, "No comas Tomás" actually made both the kids cry, but the adults loved it, and most of all Esteban, who won the whole thing. The next week he'd just look at us, nod, and quietly say, "no comas Tomás" and chuckle to himself. Who would have thought? 

We're still struggling to teach Socorro, as very little seems to stick after the lesson. Just the other day Hna Alvarado was bearing testimony to her when suddenly Socorro interuppted with, "One time, I went to church, but the music sounded a little funny. I suddenly realized, the MAFIA WAS THERE." Oh, boy. Anyone have any ideas on how to cope with that? She'll seem so focused but really she's two worlds away! 

Jose, the sweetest man in the world, is progressing slowly but surely. We invited him to a baptism this weekend, and although he's always hesitant to say yes to any invite he sent us a text right before, "I'll think I'll go." The Spirit was there really strongly, despite the fact the nine-year old definitely started swimming in the font for a second! Oh for the love I was just praying Jose didn't see! 

This week we managed to have 2 run ins with giant dogs....a German Shepherd chased us away from a house, and I managed to lock us in a gate with a black pitbull. I then suddenly couldn't remember how to get the gate unlocked again and just sat there rattling it. Hermana Alvarado almost jumped the fence and left me there to be eaten! Pray for us! 

Hna Alvarado has gotten into this weird habit of suddenly stopping to talk, falling over, and "pretending to die." It's super bizarre and I just have to sit there and wait for "her to revive." Companions sometimes. and tarted teaching several new families, which I beyond excited about, as I haven't had that opportunity much during my mission. Please keep Juan a Yolanda, Catalina and Alonso, and Rosio and Inocencio in your prayers! Inocencio is the cutest 11 year old who's sincere question for us was, "What is God's name, and where did he come from?" Sakes alive. That's not in Preach My Gospel! But we sure love them. 

This is pretty disjointed, but I'm just grateful to be here and I sure love my job. We are the luckiest people alive to know what we do. 

Hermana Hawkes 

Great Quotes: 
"I'm a great tracker. The Indians taught me. I can follow any footprint, just like a benado (deer). You know how they smell with their hands? They sense things? That's how I am." --Hermano Esteves 
(the man's not kidding. He knew we stopped by his house one time just by our footprints.) 
"Adelante! Ok, thank yous, bye!" --Hno Esteves
"Whatever you do, always sing the cacajuate." --Presidente Luna
"When I'm old, I'm waking up at 4:30. You should decide too. It will be better for you." --Hna Alvarado 
"I get it Chuey, you're ignoring me because your rich and have a lot of lambos." --Hna Alvarado (We went to the Lambourghini (do you spell it like that?) dealership and she's a little obsessed. 
"What color Lambourgini are you going to get?" --Me  


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