June 10, 2019 Temple with Esteban

Hello family and friends! Not much time today, as pday is shortened for a temple trip later in the week, but I'll do my best. 

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be my companion, we recently had an adventure that I think illustrates it. We were down in the 70, which looks, according to Hna Alvarado, exactly like Mexico. While driving away, I saw in the rearview this little old vaquero("cowboy") in a big white hat. I battled with myself for a minute, wondering if we should go back. "Hey, you noticed him," I reasoned, "and you like little old cowboys, so it's probably not a coincidence." I flipped the U-ie, doubting myself the whole time. Unfortunately we had to drive back into the trailer park we'd just driven out of and drive right past him. I tried to sink low in my seat. Then we tried to casually walk past him as if we hadn't just driven by twice, but by the stink-eye that man gave me from under the brim of his fancy hat it was clear it hadn't slipped by him. I greeted him with, "Buenas tardes, hermano," and he greeted me with "What do you want, lady??" in super broken english. He then whipped a large wooden rosary with a big cross out of his shirt and rattled it at me. "I'm saved, I'm saved! Go away!" We obeyed. 

I also caused a run-in with a man who asked me a question about the Book of Mormon but who then was very offended by the portrait of the Savior in the front. He told me I need to study the Book of Revelations more and that I'll never see Jesus because I clearly don't know what he looks like. Guess the beard wasn't quite right. 

These week was one of the best though. We went to the temple with Esteban, who just feels different since his baptism. I don't know how else to explain it. He can't wipe this little smile off his face and he just radiates a sort of happiess. It's the same with every recent convert, with him it's just really strong. He baptized us, and it takes practice! I got a little waterlogged, and I was trying so hard not to giggle as he struggled to pronounce my name every time and the names were really difficult, like "Marjorie Wicksmaster." He was valiant! He was baptized for Hna Alvarado's grandfather which was so special. 

We had a tithing lesson with Jose by his own request, and the guy loved it. Can't figure him out. He was pretty unimpressed by family history and temple work, but after we explained tithing he was about ready to sign up for anything. People are so funny! 

The best part of the week was definitely a little testimony meeting they held for recent converts and people learning about the church right before Stake Conference. There, recent converts in the stake stood and told their unique story of how they found the church. It was so, so special. Esteban, who is so quiet, has never born his testimony beyond, "yes, I believe it." For the first time, we got to hear him talk about his conversion fully, and it was a moment I'll never forget. He quietly talked about how he'd met with so many churches, and the first time the sisters came by he didn't even open the fence. However, he told us, "something in my heart opened. I started reading the book." He closed with these words, 'I used to feel so alone, but now I don't." 

Socorro, who has a distaste for church, surprised us by coming. She even surprised us by getting up and sharing her thoughts in the testimony meeting. "I don't know if this church is true," she said, "but I hope it is. These girls showed up at my house and told me that Jesus Christ came to the Americas, and I knew that maybe I was going to find the answers to the questions I've had so long." i really, really love her. 

somehow definitely managed to still write a whole lot. You're welcome Mom! Love you! 

It's moments like those that make the whole thing, ups and downs, worth it. It's these people that make it worth it. I was thinking about the Savior's mission this week, and how I hope that in some small way I'm one of those people that made his mission worth it. I'm so grateful that thanks to Him no mistake has to be permament, that each day I can start again. 

Love you all so much! You are in my prayers! 
Hermana Hawkes 


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