March 4, 2019 The True Church

Hey all!

The water is getting really hot here in Agua Caliente! We've been blessed by a new branch mission leader, and the man is someting else. He's already set up two events, and calls members to invite them to lessons before we can even set up lessons. It's almost overwhelming, but we are NOT complaining. He is determined to transform the entire culture of the branch to get everyone involved in missionary work, and I could not be more excited. 

Manuel had asked for a blessing, so we rounded up three brothers and headed over. He wants to be baptized, he just has a hard time believing that he really, truly, can do what it takes. Most of the branch had thought Manuel was a member, as he comes to church so much, so they were taken aback when his story unfolded. Emmanuel, a recent convert with a similar story, bore the sweetest testimony, and the spirit was so strong. The blessing changed everything, the brother began to choke up just giving it. It turns out Manuel really is ready to be baptized, he just needs a lot of support. Since then, Manuel is several days strong on turning his life around, and has been reading the Book of Mormon on his own. Hermana shared with us that, "for the first time in a long time, I feel hope." 

It doesn't end there. Pati, the wife of a member who loves missionaries but hadn't ever been taught, told me pretty firmly she wasn't ready to make any changes. "Maybe in the future, hermanas," she said, "but I'LL let YOU know when." She also received a blessing, and in tears admitted she also has desires to be baptized, she just had some hurt deep down about something that happened a long time ago. Crazy. The priesthood is so real. 

We received a referral for a woman but the address was incorrect. Undeterred, we decided we'd just knock all the doors on the street looking for her. Two houses down, we met a man named Jose. He was thrilled to see us. "I love Christ!" he told us. "I don't know a lot, but I listen to preaching whenever I can." We asked if he knew about Christ's ministry in the Americas, and he lit up. He took the Book of Mormon in his hands and just beamed at us. We were pretty excited, until the appointments started to fall through. Finally he called us. "Sisters, I can't come to church because I work. I don't know if you have services any other days? I just...I need God in my life. So, so much." The craziest part is, the house right after Jose was the previous home of the person we were looking for. We found out that the family had moved a few months previously, so had likely deliberately given her old address rather than her current one. It was as if the Lord was saying, "You've found what you were sent for." 

Hermana Ballard is something else. I left her in the area for a day and she taught a lesson in Spanish and invited someone to be baptized. I've already learned so much from her. She's constantly saying things like, "It scares me, but that's alright. I really want to try. I know it will work out." I don't know who's training but I don't think it's me! 

Fast sunday is pretty different down here. Hno Pinela hands out a lot of suckers and Hno Ramos kept offering us Hershey kisses. Once someone ordered pizza afterwards. I guess fasting is a state of mind? 

More than anything, nobody likes to come to church. The entire time I've been here, it's been this battle! We've tried everything: bribery, pumpkin bread, giving them church clothes, setting up rides, trying to bring members, teaching about the Sabbath day, and still you find yourself sitting in an empty pew on Sunday. It's hard, and you start to hear this little voice go, "Are you sure you're even right about this? Do they really even need to do this? How can church really help someone that busy? They're right, sometimes people here aren't kind..." etc. Just yesterday, in sacrament, a brother who recently returned to church got up. In tears he told us, "I wish I could tell you I've read the Book of Mormon all the way through, but that wouldn't be true. But I know that I'm here, and I know it's the right place. I know I want to change." Simple as that, but it hit me so hard. Really, isn't that why we all get up and go each week? We may not know everything, we may be a chapel-full of imperfect people, but we know it's the right place and we all want to change. I love our church. 

Have the best week! 
Hermana Hawkes 

"I have no idea what the native language of India is. Maybe Navajo?" --Hna Ballard
"I'm not the little gold coin to make everyone happy." --Hno Aranda 
"I had a preschool. Flower Pot Preschool. There was a little song and President definitely knows the whole thing." --Sister Dixon 
"I know her entire extended family. Her Grandpa put his truck through the front of our house. Funniest thing that ever happened!" --also Sister Dixon 

"Don't pray for your mountains to be removed, because it's at the top of mountains that we meet God." --President Dixon 

Hi Alex! 
It was good to hear from you--I don't know if I already missed your missionaries but I hope not. I don't know that I have any groundbreaking advice, as I think I'm still definitely figuring this all out myself, but I wanted to share a few of the most important things I've found during my mission. 

1) One of the most key things I've learned is that charity is a gift. We aren't the source of charity, Christ is, it's His love, but as we pray for it and practice it we can channel it to others. I think charity is the most important ingredient in the Gift of Tongues and in inviting people to make commitments. People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. Before people can change, they need to know that we love them! Love them as they already are, but focus on who they can become. 

2) Don't be scared of inviting people to be baptized. Really, it's an act of love. You're inviting them to become part of the fold of God! Instead of waiting until the Spirit tells you to invite them, plan to invite them unless the Spirit tells you otherwise. It will help you know their concerns and help them understand your purpose right off the bat. Invite them, and keep inviting them! Baptism is the greatest blessing ever, and if we really understand that, then we don't need to feel bad offering it to people. 

3) Exact obedience doesn't mean you're perfect, and it's more about where your heart and desires are than rigidity or rules. Obedience is how we show love for God and qualify to have the spirit with us, but rules for rules sake just causes frustration and drives AWAY the spirit. You won't be perfect, but if your heart is in the right place and you're always striving to become better and be more obedient, then that's what the Lord really cares about. 

4) Write down your miracles every day! There will be lots. 

I don't know if this helps at all, but it was fun to think about for sure! Hope all is going so well for you. Have the best week. 

--Hermana Hawkes 


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