February 4, 2019 Loving your Neighbor
Hey all!
I finally saw a coyote today, definitely a coyote and not an ugly dog, so I think I could basically call it good here and die happy. We went hiking this morning (the trail was Kim Nicol Dad) and a friendly Canadian "snow-bird" (people who winter down here) pointed him out. We came home with choya cactus skeleton and pockets full of rocks, which is why Hna Ciarlante and I get along!

We also watched an old man on a little 3 wheel bike, carting all his groceries, go through the intersection as if he were in a car. I love DHS. So, so much.
We spent almost the whole week either with Juana or with her extended family and friends. A little crazy, but so good! We watched "Joseph Smith; prophet of the Restoration" with her, Enrique, and Diana, and she hated it! Anytime anything bad would happen she'd say, "Ay, ninas, que FEYO!" and stomp out of the room in her Winnie the Pooh slippers. Enrique didn't know what to think, he just kept saying, "I'd like to be baptized!" and telling us we can't forget about his baptism. Diana's quiet comment was, "Both Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ went through so much because of what they believed." I love them all. At the end Juana came marching out of the kitchen with a cake for Hna Ciarlante's birthday. She takes good care of us; about tanned our hides when we bumped into her out in the rain one day. She dug up extra sweaters and made me put a grocery bag over my head because I didn't have a hood. We love her so much, but keep her in your prayers. We've had to move her date back again because she just can't seem to get to church.
Enrique came though! He liked it, especially the hymns. His only complaint was that it was "too short," and it didn't involve any form of punishment...we're confused on that one too. He attended a very strict church previously, so it's an adjustment. In other news, he gave up coffee because we mentioned we don't drink it, and asked "how he can donate," so I don't think he'll struggle with tithing. We're just very confused as to where this man came from! Our biggest problem is that he's constantly asking us to go get quesadillas and "drink tea with the Indians," although we're not sure what that last bit even means. We'll definitely be teaching the Word of Wisdom stat!
I know I always talk about this, but the Lord is teaching me over and over again about love. Seconds before I opened my mission call, I remember saying a short and desperate little prayer (I was scared!); "Heavenly Father, please send me somewhere where I can serve!" I don't know what I thought service was, but I think it probably involved building an orphanage in a tribal village or carrying fresh water into a jungle or something...something heroic! California, somewhere I'd been many times, came as a surprise.
We help a woman named Candy clean her home every Wednesday. She's been through a whole lot, even been resucitated several times, which has effected every aspect of her life. She has the sweetest, simplest faith I've ever come across. Her voice is high, froggy, and weak from surgeries, but that doesn't stop her from telling us, each week, how much she loves God and all he has done for her. I was waist deep in her fridge this week, scrubbing it out, when I got the strongest impression (in a fridge. The Holy Ghost is weird) that maybe "loving your neighbor" is phrased that way for a reason. I don't want to undermine global service or the bigger service programs or projects, those are SO important, but I also think sometimes we are so anxious to go "across the world" we forget to go "across the street." I asked God to send me to serve, and He sure did, but not in the way I expected. We are called to serve, and called to love, and sometimes I think it's even a little harder with the people nearest to us or in the unglamorous ways. Just after this Candy piped up and told us, "Thank you for helping me clean. It's so hard for me! I can't do things like that anymore, but I still help people. I can love people, and I can tell them about God." I think Candy has it figured out. People, when it comes down to it, need that more than anything else. I want to be more like her.
I'm really grateful for all of you, and for my Savior. Sometimes I'm a bit tough to love, but he never gives up on me, not for a second. Thank you for all your constant support and encouragement, and a round of applause for anyone who makes it this far in my gigantic emails! I always have more to say than I think to you all. Good thing I can't be a preacher right?
Hermana Hawkes
Great Quotes:
"Why do they even HAVE braille on drive-up ATMs?" --Hna Ciarlante
"I want to marry an Americana. Or an Americano. Whatever it takes." --Enrique
"Hermana Hawkes can eat 3 tortas in one go. I have witnessed it." --Elder Martinez (Enrique definitely believed him and was definitely impressed)
"You know I'm from Chihuahua because I can beat you in a race in my chanclas." --Hna Ciarlante
"I want the font filled with cold water. That way I won't want to stay in there." --also Enrique
I hit nine months this week! CRAZY. Still have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you so much for the sweet little package, I did not expect it and was thrilled! Expecially about the chocolate, but do not worry no arms were broken. Side note: I love everything you send, but I can't keep up with all the dried apples! Bare chips, definitely, but the apple rings I can't eat fast enough as you send 'em. i have already decorated. I loved the video of your office too Dad! I expecially love the giant Bryce Canyon print. The session sounds crazy, praying for you both. I need to send pics of my cacti; Santos, Miguel, and Tomas. They are soooo cute.
Sad to hear about Grandpa, sure praying for him. Colie too. Can't imagine being a mom right now. Has to be a lot of emotions. Sister Dixon is always asking me about everyone!
Love you both! THANK YOU for letting me be a missionary. Best decision I've ever made. Sometimes it's not even fun, but somehow it's still the best.
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