February 25, 2019 Be Still My Soul

Hello all! 

This week I think I really needed some Adele. Don't worry, I've been coping with peanut butter and different versions of "Be Still My Soul." It was a crazy one! 

This week Hermana Ballard arrived, and I couldn't have been more thrilled. She is absolutely amazing, and keeps saying, "This isn't too much like the MTC!" which makes me laugh. Like usual, I had enough misadventures within the first 24 hours to give her a good taste of exactly what she'll be dealing with. 

It all started after Book of Mormon class, when I realized the road we usually take to get home was closed. This wouldn't have been a huge problem if it wouldn't have been late and night and in Palm Springs, where I always seem to get lost. To make things worse, our maps on all 3 devices was malfunctioning, and Hna Ballard isn't too much better at giving directions than I am (right and left are confusing). As a result, we ended up making four wrong turns, the same two twice, and driving straight out of our area, which is also the zone. Poor Elder Lewis sounded so tired on the phone. I think our conversation went a little like this: 
"Oh no Hermanas. Tell us where you are and we can come find you." 
"If we knew where we were we wouldn't have this problem. I know we are on the freeway. I know it was a wrong turn. I'm pretty sure we're in Cathedral city and we just passed another casino??" 
Hey, at least Hermana Ballard knows right from the get-go how imperfect I am! 

I've been so grateful for her. She is vibrant and warm and so kind. Her Spanish is still very much in the beginning stages, but it doesn't stop her for a second. In one of our very first lessons, she whipped out a bear finger-puppet and started teaching the resurreccion! I really love her already. She says she plans to sing Primary songs with Juana, which might be the key to getting that cookie to church...

The work is hard right now. People I've loved and worked with my entire time here seem to all be deciding that it's not time, that it isn't for them. It's so hard, but the good part is that it's true. Our message is true, and that means the miracles are never very far away. Our message brings peace, and people recognize it. They may not be ready to change right now, but I have faith someday they will be. 

An older couple I started chatting about the weather with on a warm Fontana night are getting baptized this weekend. I didn't play a big role in their conversion, I'm sure they don't even know my name, but I felt so grateful that I took the time to strike up that conversation. Hearing that sure made me want to make sure I'm always listening for that quiet voice, and that my eyes are always open to whoever is in our path. You never really know who has been waiting, so badly wanting some peace. 

I've been learning a whole lot about humility lately. I used to think it meant thinking less of yourself, but I think it's more about how much you recognize your dependence on the Savior. He's the source of every good thing; we're just supposed to listen, and act with an open heart and open hands. 

Love you all, have the best week! 
Hermana Hawkes 


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