January 28, 2019 Meeting Enrigue

Hi all! 

I really love Yucca valley because don't know where I else I could run into Hippies, Hassidic Jews, and Buddhist monks in one Walmart shopping trip! The desert is definitely not dry on personality.

They say you always hit a frontier of faith before hitting a miracle, and that has been us. Nearly everyone we're teaching has been sick, out of town, or impossible to contact. It's just in the moments where I begin to doubt whether we're doing this whole thing right that the Lord sends a miracle, big or small, to remind me not to doubt! This week, that miracle was three people; Ana, Javier, and Enrique. 

Ana and Javier are the sweetest old couple who just wandered into the Desert Hot Springs ward last week. Best referral ever. I knew I'd like them when I noticed they were wearing matching Mickey Mouse shirts. Javier was very worried about my cough, and recommended either a little lemon and honey, or a shot of Tequila. Yep, I love him already.

We stopped by Juana's for a lesson with Diana one morning, and she had a gigantic black truck in her driveway. Inside was a big man having a really good nap; he was snoring so loud I think it rattled the whole truck a little. Diana told us it was her uncle. We waved to him on the way out, and then went on our way. On our way to God's Kitchen, Hna Ciarlante noticed a black truck following us. We got all the way to service before realizing it was him and stopping to talk to him. We hadn't even rolled the window down all the way before he explained, "Sorry I followed you, I tried to flash my lights at you, I'd just really like to go to lunch and talk about God if it's ok??" We were floored. Turns out Enrique, Juana's son, has been seeking God, and enduring happiness, for years. We had a little lesson right there through the car windows. We gave him a pamphlet, and he read the whole thing. We invited him to be baptized the next day, and he accepted. I just don't get it, this sort of thing doesn't just happen?? 

It's amazing. We asked him to pray, and he prayed. No battle, he wasn't too busy, he really wanted to. He says he felt so much peace about everything, and is so excited to be baptized because, "All I want is to follow God." We're still laughing about the whole thing...we spend so much time looking for those who are prepared and sometimes they find us! 

He's a huuuge teddybear. Sets his own lessons, makes us bacon wrapped hotdogs, and wants to be a missionary too. That, or bring food and clothing to poor countries. We don't really know where he came from, but we are not complaining!

Juana said to me this week, "What you all ask of people isn't something small. It's really hard. You've grown up with it, but it isn't easy. I know, though, that with God nothing is impossible." I love her so much. It really is hard sometimes, the gospel. It's not convenient or comfy or easy. One thing I know, though, is that it works. It allows us to change so much more than we ever could on our own. 

I was praying this week about something I'd been struggling to get done. Really, I just prayed, "Heavenly Father, I really can't do this. That's where I'm at." The response came quietly and quickly, "Hermana Hawkes, WE will do this." 

I've been thinking a lot about the scripture in Matthew 11 where Christ calls us to "take my yoke upon you." The gospel doesn't mean things are easy, and Christ's Atonement doesn't mean the "heavy burdens" we carry go away. I think sometimes I think that. What is really means, is that we never, never need to pull alone. There is always someone ready to pull with us, with strength far greater than our own. And why? Well, because He loves us. The more I learn about it, the less I can wrap my head around it. Why on earth would he suffer so, so much? He loved us enough. It's when people start to know that--to feel that--that everything changes. I know it's that way for me.

I love you all so much! Have the greatest week

Hermana Hawkes

P.S. --word of the wise, but "go shorter" is not a good thing to tell a hairstylist. I would describe my cut as "Little Orphan Annie!" Haha it's easy to keep up for sure! 

Great Quotes: 
"Christ was able to endure the Atonement by the vision of the joy of others that was set before him." --President Nelson 
"The worst moment can be turned into a blessing if we're willing to turn to Him." --Elder Christofferson (he visited the mission and was amazing!)
"Do you want water? Quieren agua?" --Hna Castro. (we got Horchata) 


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