December 31, 2018 New Beginnings

Hello all! 

If you thought our apartment adventures were over, you'd be wrong. About two days after getting the faucets fixed the door mysteriously stopped fitting in it's frame and we can't close it far enough to lock it...we've just been locking the metal screen door instead. The trouble is, there's a whole lot of wind out here, and it has been blowing open nonstop! We finally resorted to pushing our armchair in front of it, the only thing heavy enough, leaving us with no open outside of climbing out the that's what we've been doing. Don't worry, the neighbors still have no idea. Don't worry, we've called Kent Dewey. His voice on the phone just sounded so tired. 

In other news, sisters can now wear pants! Crazy! I can't wait to wear my new pair and see how many people tell me "I'm an abomination!" 

More than anything in this letter, I just want to express gratitude. I find when I get bogged down or discouraged, almost every time it's simply because I'm not counting my blessings. We've just been swimming in blessings. Some are big, some are little, and some are harder to see, but there are so many. 

We caroled for Juana on Christmas because she'd had a tough one. The whole district went, and we all sang "Silent Night" to her in Spanish. I'll never forget her standing there, wrapped in a blanket, eyes shining. Afterward she told me quietly, "No one has ever done anything like that for me. No one has ever sang for me...not in this country. You've surprised me." She'll be getting baptized in Febuary, but needs prayers that she can make it to church. 

We also had a lesson with José Christmas day, who we think of as our "prodigal son." He has a past, but also so much faith and such a desire to come closer to God. This really isn't a very glamourous job, and it involves a whole lot more planning and "task work" than I ever imagined, but sitting there telling someone that they can have a new start is something I can't describe. Sometimes in lessons like that God allows us just a tiny glimpse of how he sees the person; who they can become. We've all experienced different things, made different mistakes, but really we're all a bit of a mess. How grateful I am to know that with Christ each year, each day, each second can be a new beginning for me and for all of us. 

The Lord is wiping the slate clean. We've stopped teaching many, many people recently--people whom I really love. It's hard, but at the same time I'm grateful for the chance to begin again, both for me and for these people. In the words of a favorite quote, "There are no true endings in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only everlasting beginnings." 

I'm so grateful to be here, for all that I'm learning and everyone I'm meeting. I'm grateful most of all for my Savior, that he died so that all of us can dust ourselves off each day and give it "just one more try." 
Love you all lots! Happy New Year! 

--Hna Hawkes

"I relate a lot to Oprah Winfrey in the movie Hidden Figures." --Hna Ciarlante 

The picture that everyone is raving actually based on one of the most popular Church resource paintings of Christ ever. It's actually on the front of one of the pamphlets we hand out! I don't have a lot of resources to draw from, but that picture is Hno Ramos's favorite so I sketched it up for him. Embarrassed if everyone thinks it's original, it certainly isn't. 

I did make the nativity, and I wish it were so much more than it is. I bought sculpey and paints, but the hard thing to find was time. I chipped away at it for almost the whole month, but it turned out looking more like "little people" edition nativity than the whole old style european nativity set I wanted to go for. I was half tempted to make it all Japanese (maybe next year Dad??). 

On Jordan's knife...I think it's only good for spreading cream cheese on bagels or something..maybe whipping out to slice pears?? Haha I just couldn't resist how cool it looked and I figured it anyone could find a way to sharpen it it was him. 

On the earrings for Mary: I know they're a bit wild but couldn't resist. I thought they would be just crazy cute with blue jeans and a white tee. You can't be shy in earrings like that...but I like that! Be YOU Mary!! 

Mom on presents: I love EVERYTHING. The only thing is the black skirt doesn't fit super well but I'm not sure it's worth sending back on it's own. I had such a lovely Christmas thanks too you all. Afraid I miss you all the more for having talked to you all!


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