January 28, 2019 Meeting Enrigue

Hi all! I really love Yucca valley because don't know where I else I could run into Hippies, Hassidic Jews, and Buddhist monks in one Walmart shopping trip! The desert is definitely not dry on personality. They say you always hit a frontier of faith before hitting a miracle, and that has been us. Nearly everyone we're teaching has been sick, out of town, or impossible to contact. It's just in the moments where I begin to doubt whether we're doing this whole thing right that the Lord sends a miracle, big or small, to remind me not to doubt! This week, that miracle was three people; Ana, Javier, and Enrique. Ana and Javier are the sweetest old couple who just wandered into the Desert Hot Springs ward last week. Best referral ever. I knew I'd like them when I noticed they were wearing matching Mickey Mouse shirts. Javier was very worried about my cough, and recommended either a little lemon and honey, or a shot of Tequila. Yep, I love him already. ...