November 26, 2018 Tumbleweeds and the Norma Incident

Hi all!

One of my favorite things about Latino culture is that the terms "Papi" and "Mami" are used interchangeably for either parents or children (even babies!) I found this out from a little Columbiana abuelita who would call me both "Mamita" and "bebe" which sounded a little contradictory, so I asked someone. Turns out the idea behind it is that these terms show respect and love to your children, because you're raising them to be good parents one day themselves. Cute, huh?

What a week! Another good title for this email probably would have been, "In which we discover every possible use for the bathtub we possibly can!" Yes, my friends, we are roughing it! For the entire time I've been out here, one or the other of our sinks has been out of commission. First the bathroom sink had calcium buildup, then the kitchen sink...and that's all our sinks! We had one plumber come in, but he told us we needed all new faucets and that it would be eight-hundred dollars for the installation. The next plumber told us it was a five minute fix and it really took him about that long. Unfortunately they've stopped working again so I think we're going to turn self-sufficient. I think I'm a plumber cynic! If someone would only lend us a wrench... 
The long of the short of it is at the end of the night you get three sister missionaries, in jammies, brushing their teeth in the bathtub! 

Nothing compares to what happened last Monday night though. We decided to have a final lesson with Norma, who Hna Jensen received as a referral her first week. She's been taught consistenly for about four months now, but was hard to schedule with and really never progressed much. Norma was an interesting cookie! She knew so much correct doctrine, but had no sense of urgency, and although we invited her to baptism many times, she never expressed much of a desire. She always wanted to talk to the bishop too about "financial problems" which worried us a little. We decided to invite her one more time, and see if we could spark in her a desire to move forward. If not, we figured, Norma probably just needed more time, and we planned to stop teaching her. The lesson started out really well, Norma sitting there and saying "Amen" to everything like she always does. When it came to the invitation though, Norma wasn't getting it. "I told you all, I've been baptized. I don't really understand why I need to do it over again." Oh, boy. Already baptized people are tough, especially when they've been baptized as adults. You don't want to hurt their feelings, but yet you've got to explain what was missing! We gently but clearly went over priesthood authority, and the meaning of baptism, and the need to receive the Holy Ghost...all the good stuff. Norma just smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, I know that! I was baptized!" We were all getting a little exasperated. How on earth could we explain this better?? Finally Hna Ciarlante had had it, "Norma, you were baptised into the correct church by proper priesthood authority?" Norma had had it too! "Listen, I was baptized in YOUR church!!" 

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard! Oh, poor Norma just sat there and shook her head at these three lost little missionaries. Turns out, Norma was baptised 13 years ago in Orange actually she's been a member long than I have. She was invited to attend with a friend down in San Jacinto, and the elders figured she wasn't a member and invited her to meet with the missionaries. Norma wouldn't mind sisters coming over at all! Oh dear. I'm sure glad the Lord makes up the difference for our weaknesses in this work! Next step, get Norma coming back to church. 

It doesn't end there. We (yep it was definitely me) may have also locked our keys and all four phones (yes four, only one has a SIM card, don't ask me who had the idea) in the church building at seven a clock last night. We didn't know any members nearby, or have anyone's number memorized. What followed was a few minutes of wandering around the dark church building and then a very awkward door approach with a woman named Sandy who was fairly sceptical of the whole alibi. Luckily God is merciful and sent the elders just then, so we were able to get back in. I'm convinced Sandy must be ready for the gospel, we just broke that initial ice I guess? 

I'm getting reports that a family video of me scrubbing a toilet and singing at the top of my lungs is floating around Facebook?? All I can say is I appreciate not being tagged in that one you punks. 

So many stories, so little time. One of the best moments was our first lesson with Juana, who just loves that we're learning Spanish and serving missionaries. We mentioned something about the Godhead being three seperate beings, and she just lit up! Not the reaction we're used to. "I believe that too!!" She's already started listening to the Book of Mormon out loud. Bless those audio recordings! 

We taught Jose the Plan of Salvation this week, which is definitely my favorite lesson. He was having a hard day, and didn't say much until we had finished the kingdoms of glory. He then tentitively asked what you had to do to get into the lowest kingdom. It broke my heart because I knew he was talking about himself. I think what the adversary works harder on that anything else is getting ple to forget who they are. We're blessed to know better, though. It's amazing, when someone really understands who they are to God, how everything changes. I know I'm always quoting Corrie Ten Boom (my main girl), but "there's no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." I know that to be true. Try as we might, we can't sink too low for the Savior's redeeming power. I want to remember that. I want so much for everyone to know that. 

Love you all so much! Happy Thanksgiving a bit late!

--Hermana Hawkes 

"My greatest goal is to one day hug Jesus, and talk to Heavenly Father, and maybe kick Satan really good in the shins!"--Hna Jensen 

Transfers! Hna Jensen is leaving and I'm so sad. She's really the cutest and I'll miss her. Reminds me a bit of Megan Carr. Hna Ciarlante is staying though and I'm really lucky to have more time with her, she's the sweetest. 

Mom: yes I can play discs in the car. Also, I would really love to send Jesse "Where the Wild Things Are" for Ethan for Christmas. Do you think maybe you could help me with that? The little guy reminds me so much of Max, and I know Jesse would love the book a lot! I don't know how much it would cost but I can't find the book anywhere. Just a thought, may just send him a card. 

Also, if you could send Addresses for Grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc? I have postcards! Also, how is Tanner doing? Just wondering about my friends back home lately. Bethany has a cute boyfriend!!! 

Love you both, wish I had more time today!! 
I actually had a date today. On my mission I know! Actually it was in a shake. Apparently that's a thing out here. It was about as good as it sounds... 

Love you! 


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