Mission Highlights: BIGGEST LESSONS

Listen, this might be a soapbox but I am still definitely getting the hang of all of these. I'll probably have them mastered on the other side of eternity.

1) We are all part of God's work
Whether we wear a little black tag or not, the minute we step into the waters of baptism we commit to be part of God's work--and missionary work is part of that. Anything we do to help others to come unto Christ fits under that umbrella. In the church we compartmentalize everything too much. Really we are all just trying to take steps towards Christ and help others do the same! God only requires a pure heart and willing hands, and desperately needs our help to reach each of his children--especially those who have deafened their ears to His voice.

2) God's work is PEOPLE, and ours should be too. The goal is joy and peace. The way is Jesus Christ.

3) God is quietly, carefully, and constantly reaching out to each one of us.
Each person is born with the light of Christ. Each person is being called home by God, in one way or the other, throughout their lives. We aren't all given an equal opportunity to live the restored gospel in this life, but we are all granted a portion of God's light which guides us and influences us to do good and to be good. The real test in this life is whether we follow that light or quench it, to whatever degree it was given to us. Those who follow that light will draw nearer to God and eventually find Jesus Christ, whether that's in this life or the next.

4) Sometimes, it's best just to listen
Not preach, not correct, not judge, just listen. Pray for the words to come, but if they don't just listen. Be in that moment with that person. Getting out of a lesson on time is far less important than helping someone realize that their story and their struggles matter to you, and that someone wants to hear the echo of the ache in their heart. Sometimes it's enough just to say, "I don't know what to say, but I love you. I'm here for you."

5) We don't source charity, we can only pray for it, practice it, and then channel it. All good things come from God and His son Jesus Christ, we are only vessels of their goodness and light.

6) 3 Keys to Personal Revelation: 1-Prayer 2-Obedience 3-Lots of listening and scriptures

7) Sometimes it's hard to feel God. It just happens, and those moments are an important trial of our faith. In those moments, remember and trust. He IS there.

8) Mom was right.
Drinking water and sleeping enough ARE key to happiness!

9) No one can lose their testimony if they are reading the Book of Mormon each day, praying each day, and going to church with sincerity. You'll never get too lost that way.

10) We have a sacred responsibility to share the wealth of light and hope we have as members of Jesus Christ's church.

11) We're all at a different point of the same journey.

12) Loving people doesn't mean being blind to their flaws or mistakes, but seeing them more completely and loving them anyway. You don't have to like people to love them, and if you can pray for charity God will help you see them as He does, even if they're meanies.

13) Jesus Christ is the answer to any problem, any doubt, or any fear

14) Faith and fear don't go together, and fear is never from God. Love and faith defeat fear

15) Gratitude is a magic cure for negative thinking and mean self-talk

16) Whenever I start to have a problem, it's usually one of two things. 1--I'm being ungrateful
or 2--I'm focused far too much on myself and not enough on everyone else

17) God won't let you go too far in the wrong direction if you're praying about it. Take the leap, and trust He'll catch you (this one is easier said than done for me). God can't push you, you have to start moving and then He'll guide you

18) The Battle is the Lord's (see David and Goliath)
This is God's work. It's all in His hands. Trust that! All we need to do is show up with an open heart and willing hands, and He'll put us to work.

19) Jesus Christ is constantly magnifying our efforts. He did it with the loaves and fishes, he did it with the Brother of Jared's stones, and he can do it with us! Each day we just need to do our best, and leave the rest to Him.

20) It's more important to be guided by the Spirit than to recognize being guided by the spirit.

21) The Book of Mormon can answer ANY question.

22) God speaks to us in a lot of ways. Answers rarely come in a neat box with a bow.

23) "If men will come unto me I will show unto them their weakness..."
There is a plan and a purpose to our weaknesses. Sometimes having an acute awareness of them is a sign that we are moving in the right direction--that we're coming unto Christ! 


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