May 27, 2019 A Date for Every Day of the Week

Hi all! All is well in the desert! It's date season and chile season, so we're just drowning in both. Everywhere we turn people keep giving us dates, and we can't eat them fast enough! I keep cracking date jokes although my companion doesn't think I'm half as funny as I think I am. Every time we see Esteban he hands us a big black back with a different color of bell pepper. He got a short haircut which makes him look even more like a Mexican general. He gave us matching embroidered pillowcases that say, "Siempre te amaré" with giant blue rosettes. He says he had been saving them for "some special occasion." They are much too fancy to sleep on, but it made us laugh. I remembered this week that one of my favorite books growing up was this obscure little story called "Esperanza Rising," that I remember just picking off the shelf one day. It was all about this young girl who moves up to the United States to w...