Homecoming Talk
Hello! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Sarah Hawkes and I returned this week from a full-time mission serving the Spanish-speakers of Southern California in the San Bernardino Mission. It’s hard to put how I feel about my mission into words, but I loved it. It meant everything to me, and it was such a privilege. I learned so much about the love that God has for each of his children. On my mission I served among first- and second-generation immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries, and learned so much from them. I learned the importance of not taking yourself too seriously, loving with your whole heart, hard work, and family, and it doesn’t matter what you wear during the week but the weekend is time for bold eyebrows and bright lipstick. The most incredible part was that each and every person I met had a deep faith and love for God. Spanish was NOT easy for me, because a "pedacito" is ...