April 29, 2019 The Miracles

Just a little one this week, but I have to tell a few stories! This week was wild, We've had a hard time fimding new people to teach tecently. It's neveer hard to meet new people, but those who genuinely want to learn about the gospel itself it sure is! It's funny how, just when you think you've done everything in your power, the Lord sends blessings in such a way that you know 100% that you had absolutely nothing to do with it. So it was with this week! These miracles are a tribute to how Hna Alvarado talks to everyone. On Wednesday, we were running late but had to stop and get gas at this tiny gas station. The machines at the pumps weren't working all that well, so they send us inside to get our receipt. The young man who gave us our receipt, kept looking at our tags. Finally he asked Hermana Alvarado about it, and she explained what we do as missionaries. He looked thoughtful for a moment, and then asked if we could teach him as he was going ...